Community Aid Programs

Community Aid Programs

Compassionate Service Program

We provide temporary help in times of illness, hardship and emergency to our ILC community. We have volunteers who will provide meals on a temporary basis for someone who is sick, and provide transportation to doctor’s appointments. Our ministers and volunteers will provide healing bodywork, and prayer counseling.

If you find yourself in need of assistance, please contact:

Ellen Davis at 801-466-5351

Likewise, if you would like to volunteer to help our team in any capacity, please contact Ellen to let her know how you would like to serve.


Child Sponsorship Program

As an Inner Light Center community, we are continuing to sponsor 14 year-old Mirrim Makuto in Zambia through Children International.

We also sponsor 10 year-old Rishabh Premprakash Jaiswal in India through PlanUSA.

The amount needed monthly for each plan is $22.00 and $30.00, respectively. We are asking members and friends of the Inner Light Center community to make special donations each month toward these programs. If paying by check, make your donation payable to the “Inner Light Center” with a memo indicating to which (or both) programs you wish to support. There is information  about each child posted  in the ILC entry area, and will shortly appear on this website.

If you wish to mail a contribution, please send your donation to:

Inner Light Center
P. O. Box 572093
Murray, UT 84157-2093


Heart Warming Project

We are collecting new and gently used, clean items to keep people warm during the cold, winter season; Warm clothing (hats, coats, gloves, scarves, thermals underwear, socks, shoes, boots, sweaters, etc.), sleeping bags, blankets and more. These items will be delivered to the homeless and those in need of a kind, helping hand.

We have specially designated containers in the kitchen of the Inner Light Center, where you may leave items you wish to donate. Whenever you visit our serene facility, please remember to bring an item or two that will warm a needy person.


Feed the Hungry/Food Bank Project

Please share what you can with those in need during this holiday season. Each time you come to the ILC, please bring: canned goods, boxed foods, or other non-perishable foodstuffs, and place them in the specially designated containers in the kitchen. They will be delivered to the Salt Lake City Food Bank. 

Again, thank you for your kindness

Spiritual Theme 2015

“Expressing a Vision of Splendor and Glory”

January Theme: “Universal Love”
February Theme: “Planting the Seed of Infinite Possibility”

Special Donations

If you would like to make a special donation, please visit the “Donations/Gratitude” tab.


A Numerology workshop for 2015.
Facilitated by Rev. Dr. Ellen Vlasic

Calculate your personal numerology cycle

See Rev. Ellen Vlasic’s article,
“Ministers’ Message” Tab


Beginning in January. The LAST FRIDAY, EACH MONTH; 7 pm. Tired of the gratuitous violence and inane plots of commercial cinemas? Join us for uplifting messages with a true spiritual meaning. . . . and PIZZA!!! Love offerings gratefully accepted.

Where Are We Located?

Inner Light Center/Inner Light Institute
4408 S. 500 E.
Salt Lake City, UT

(801) 462-1800

Our Mailing Address

Inner Light Center
P.O. Box 572093
Murray, UT 84157-2093